jueves, 21 de enero de 2016


Even though they're all from the same animal, not all steaks are cut from the same cloth. Here are the best high-protein cuts of beef that won't butcher your fitness goals!

Chicken and fish are bodybuilding staples, but once in a while you want to let loose your inner T-rex and dig into a thick piece of steak. After all, beef is high in protein and other nutrients that are undeniably vital to an active body. But depending on the cut you choose, steak can quickly go from a top-notch bodybuilding food to one that's going to sink your clean diet. And it's all because of the calories from saturated fat.

How bad can the wrong choice be? Consider that a 12-ounce serving of rib-eye trimmed of all visible fat still has 480 calories from fat alone. Can your diet absorb that kind of punch?


Throw away your alarm clock and toss out your bland morning shake. These 8 protein-rich breakfast recipes are so good they'll be enough to get you up and going!

When you're trying to fit more protein into your diet, eating just whole foods can be a jaw-tiring, stomach-filling challenge. In search of more high-protein items to increase their daily protein intake, many people make the right choice of supplementing with quality protein powder. Where they often go wrong, however, is in their approach.

I see too many people fall into the cycle of chugging bland protein shakes in between equally bland meals of chicken and broccoli. Eventually, they end up hating the thought of having to slam down another shake to hit their macros. If you've fallen into this trap—or feel yourself teetering near the edge—the athletes of MET-Rx and I are here to help you switch things up and find the best alternative uses for your favorite protein powder!


Juggling macros, micros, and calories can make it difficult to know what and how much to eat. Make your diet failproof with these 3 simple tips!

If you work in the fitness industry, or even just look fit, you've likely had this conversation before. In my office, it happens dozens of time a day.

Client: "I really can't seem to lose weight, coach. I mean, I eat perfectly all the time. Just last night I had chicken and broccoli for dinner, but the weight just doesn't come off. What should I do?"

Me: "Tell me a bit more about your diet. What did you eat this morning for example?"

Client: "Well, today was different. I have this big project I'm working on at the office, and my kid was late for school, plus the wife and I stayed up late last night watching a movie, so I didn't really have time to make breakfast and blah, blah, blah…"

5 Nutrition Tips for New Athletes

Beginner athletes often struggle with under-fueling their workouts, particularly when taking on a new endurance endeavor like a triathlon or a half marathon. A common misconception of beginner athletes is that they have to be "competitive" or "elite" to need to replenish their body like experienced athletes. Also, beginners often have weight loss goals, leading them to reduce calories before, during or after workouts, which does not promote weight loss or enjoyment in exercise. As a result of not getting enough of the right nutrients at the right time, beginners fatigue early during exercise, both mentally and physically.

These are the top tips for beginner athletes who want to feel great during exercise to reach their performance and body composition goals.

miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016


One of the world’s strongest men gives his candid take on what is really required to add mass.

If you're looking to learn about proper workout attire and gym etiquette then keep clicking for another article to read. This lesson is written "Rhino" style – just the cold hard facts about getting big, strong and lean. Apply these seven principles and results are guaranteed.


Sure, everybody knows this, but do you do it? Pound all the protein shakes and pre-workout Tasmanian devil drinks you want but if you aren't getting your eight hours every night, you're wasting your time and money. I slept up to 11 hours a day when I squatted 905 pounds in training and set three world records. That was nine hours every night and a couple 60-minute naps after training and eating. You grow when you sleep – not when you train. And failing to get enough of it can seriously impede growth, recovery, mental acuity, energy levels and hormone levels.

5 Workout Tips For Beginners

Your New Year's Resolution was to hit the gym. Here's how to start torching calories and staying injury-free.

With 2014 here, it’s the time of year when millions of people begin exercising to meet their resolution of losing weight or getting healthy. When beginning any exercise program, it’s important to pace yourself and not risk injury by overexerting yourself from the get-go – especially if it’s been a while since you worked out. To prevent that, here are some tips and tricks to get you started on your journey towards a healthier life.

Tip 1: Start Slow

Don’t just jump right in and start exercising five days a week -- that’s a recipe for disaster, says John Higgins, MD, Director of Exercise Physiology at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston. It’s better that you gradually work up to exercising several days per week while you see how your body responds.

How to Lose Weight Fast on a Water Diet

Most people, at some point in their lives, will want to drop a few pounds or feel they need to work a little harder at keeping the pounds off. Many diets and exercise plans claim to help. One diet is the water diet. The water diet helps you change what you eat and drink on a regular basis.

Plan to drink 64 oz. of water a day. You should drink this amount of water 8 oz. at a time, throughout the day. Drink cool water because it will take calories to warm it up after you drink it.

Drink water whenever you are hungry for a snack or for some other type of beverage. Drinking water will help you feel full. You won’t eat the snack and will therefore avoid the calories.

Use the bathroom as needed. You will probably need to use the restroom more frequently because, for most people, drinking 64 oz. of water is an increase from what they normally drink. This is another benefit of the water diet: using the restroom more frequently helps cleanse your system.

Incorporate exercise into your routine. Drinking water frequently will help you feel fuller and avoid unhealthy snacks and beverages, but exercising in addition to the water will help you lose weight even more quickly.

Stock up on food rich in water. Then, when you do want a snack in addition to drinking water, you can still add water to your diet. Some good water rich foods include: watermelon, grapefruit, broccoli, honeydew and spinach.

How to Speed Up Metabolism

When it comes to weight loss, a fast metabolism makes the difference between reaching your goals and spinning your wheels without seeing much progess. Not only does a speedy metabolism help you burn more calories, but it allows you to eat more during your weight loss journey, making you more likely to stick with your new lifestyle for long-term results. Luckily, you can maximize your metabolic rate through exercise, diet and lifestyle choices.

Lift Weights

Contrary to popular belief, the way to get a faster metabolism is not through hours of cardio. Weight lifting is the best thing you can do if you want a faster metabolism, because it helps you build and maintain lean muscle. “Someone with more lean muscle mass has a higher resting metabolic rate because it takes more calories to maintain muscle than it does fat,” says Jarrett Arthur, a fitness and self-defense expert.

How to Lose Weight Fast by Drinking Water

If you are looking to lose weight quickly by drinking water, there are tips available to help you do it properly and effectively. Consistent water intake is critical in weight loss because a high volume of water present in your cells allows them to push out fat and toxins stored within them. Learn what kind of water is best to help you lose weight and what kind of diet you should have to support your goals. It's not difficult, but it does require resolution on your part to do it.

Things You'll Need

  • Steam distilled water
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables

How to Lose 10 to 17 Pounds a Week

Most doctors and nutritionists agree that fast weight loss is not the best solution for getting your weight under control. Losing 10 to 17 pounds in a week is possible, but sustaining your weight after a quick fix can be extremely difficult. As such, the Mayo Clinic suggests a weight-loss goal of 1 to 2 pounds per week, with an emphasis on making diet and lifestyle changes that you'll be able to embrace and maintain. However, if you're focused on losing more than 10 pounds in a week, it's important to undertake healthy methods that won't endanger your physical well-being.

What You Need to Know to Lose Belly Fat

Fed up with my abominable abdominals, I turned to lab docs for help in separating fact from flab. Here's what to know to lose the excuses — and the crunches.

How to Lose Belly Fat

The first time it happened I was in my early twenties, straphanging in a crowded New York City subway car on my way to work. I was wearing a slim-fitting T-shirt dress, one that for reasons that will soon become horrifyingly clear, I subsequently used to scrub out the litter box and then tossed. The seated woman I was standing in front of met my eyes and smiled. Then she stood up. I smiled back and stepped to the side so she could make her way to the door. She stood right next to me.

"Would you like to sit?" she asked kindly. "I remember how tired I was during my pregnancy. You look like you're into your second trimester; it gets easier."

If I had been pregnant, her act of generosity would probably have sent me into early labor right there on the F train.

15 Minutes to Flatter Abs

Blast 130 calories and beat belly fat while you tone head to toe.

Medicine Ball Push/Catch A

Targets: Shoulders, triceps, abs, glutes, legs

  • Stand with feet a little more than shoulder-width apart, medicine ball on the floor in front of feet.
  • Squat, keeping knees behind toes, and grab ball with both hands.

The Best Way to Beat Belly Flab

Studies show that ab fat is dangerous to your health. Here's how food, exercise, and even body confidence can help you lose it for good — and lower your health risks.

The Facts on Fat

All fat is not created equal. Abdominal fat, particularly the visceral fat stored deep inside, is much more dangerous than the flab on your hips, butt, or thighs. The reason: Location, location, location. Think of it this way: Your liver and pancreas are like stately apartment buildings — they're efficient, well-oiled machines that have been there forever. Belly fat is like the loud, disruptive neighbor who buys the building next door and turns it into an all-night dance club and lets the whole place go to seed. Before you know it, there goes the neighborhood.

Flatter Abs in 2 Weeks

Do these moves from Tom Seaborne, the firm-belly-fast expert.

Beginner Moves

Butterfly Crunch

Targets: rectus abdominus ("six pack")

Lie on your back with the soles of your feet together as close to your body as possible, with knees bent out to sides. Place hands behind your head, elbows in line with ears. Keeping your back flat on floor and stomach muscles contracted, exhale and curl your chest up a few inches off the floor toward your legs. Lower to start. Repeat 10 times.

The One Food Nutritionists Eat Every Single Day

While registered dietitians certainly recommend balance, variety, and moderation to ensure you get all the necessary nutrients that you need, they have "personal superfoods" that they reach for on a regular basis for both nutrition and convenience purposes. From turmeric smoothies to chocolate and peanut butter combos, dietitians around the country share the foods they eat every single day.

Citrus Fruit

“I eat some form of vitamin C and potassium packed citrus each day because the delightfully refreshing flavors are a great reminder that good nutrition should taste great! It might be a 6 ounce glass of orange juice one day and the next day a cup of grapefruit segments in a salad. For quick and easy healthy snacking I love the easy to peel Clementine oranges too.”

5 Exercise Machines You Should Never Use at the Gym

Exercise machines are simple -- too simple, in fact. According to metabolic training expert BJ Gaddour, C.S.C.S. owner of StreamFIT.com, "They've been dumbed down to the point that they just don't do your body much good." Besides parking you on your butt, most machines isolate a single muscle, meaning you'll burn fewer calories and gain less muscle mass rep for rep.

Most importantly (at least as far as medical bills are concerned), exercise machines can lead to injury. Even with their adjustable seats and pegs, finding the proper position can be close to impossible -- and even then the movements just aren't natural. "Free weights and bodyweight exercises allow your body to move in a natural range of motion," Gaddour says. "When you fix it, it results in a limited and improper movement pattern that can be dangerous."

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks Safely

It's possible to lose weight in two weeks -- cutting bloat, fat and water weight -- without using a juice fast or starvation diet. The key to this weight-loss regimen is to stick to a small group of foods -- all lean proteins, healthy fats and whole grains.

If you want maximum weight-loss, you have to be able to commit to eating a rather boring and routine diet. The trick is to stay strict to avoid cheating and temptation. The low-sodium diet helps banish water weight and bloat. The lean protein revs up the metabolism, allowing for maximum calorie burn. Short bursts of cardio fuel the calorie burn without taxing the body too much.

3 protein mistakes even healthy eaters make

You always prioritize good carbs, like brown rice and sweet potatoes. You toss a full range of veggies in your salad (plus shredded cheese for, um, calcium). But are you getting enough protein in your day?

The average woman needs between 40-50 daily grams of protein, which helps you build and maintain lean muscle and is an essential component of every cell in the body.

The good news is, “most women don’t have trouble getting this much,” said the Nutrition Twins, Tammy Lakatos Shames and Lyssie Lakatos, RDN/CDNs and authors of The Nutrition Twins Veggie Cure.  “But the problem is, needs vary so much from person to person. Active women require more, for one, and as you go up in age your protein needs increase—which means those people are often missing the mark.”

The 10 Best Post-Workout Foods

Protein Powder

High adrenaline levels after intense exercise can mess with your appetite, which may make liquids more appealing than solids. Sumbal mixes water with chocolate whey powder after her workouts, and research supports her shake of choice: A study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that when exercisers supplemented resistance training with whey protein, they saw an average increase in lean body mass of 4.9 pounds.


Besides providing both protein and carbs, yogurt is also an excellent source of leucine, an amino acid — the "most promising one, research-wise," says Sumbal — that enhances muscle growth after you exercise.


Sort through your training and nutrition conundrums with M&F’s top-rated experts.

Question: "I'm new to training and the M&F Ultimate Starters Guide says to take in a lot of carbs to power training. Won't this just make me fatter?"

Answer: Because of the prevalence of low-carb diets out there, many people are now afraid of carbs – they naturally equate carbs with higher levels of bodyfat. But that’s simply not the case, particularly for beginners.

As the Ultimate Starter’s Guide said, carbs are an essential part of your training as they provide the energy you need to train and recover, so trying to cut them out or reduce them is likely to result in a drop in training intensity and a quick slip into an overtrained state.


If your goal is to get big and lean, does it matter what order you eat the food items on your plate?

Question: I've got a chicken breast, a salad and a sweet potato on my plate. Does the order of the food I eat affect my body composition? Does it affect how the foods are absorbed? –David P., Arvada, CO, via e-mail

Answer: In the bigger picture of things, yes, eating protein off your plate first can affect your body composition. This is because protein is a very potent stimulator of insulin. In addition, one of the least known functions of insulin is its ability to suppress appetite as has been demonstrated in studies published in the journal Hormone and Metabolic Research. Thus, the reduction of appetite brings with it the consumption of fewer calories by default. So consuming protein first causes you to eat less calories in a meal so the result of consuming less calories overall can cause weight loss.

Get It Now: A Totally Firm Lower Body

8 Pilates-inspired moves for trimmer hips, thighs, and glutes, plus Pilates-perfect abs!

Solutions for Stubborn Trouble Zones

Practically everyone knows that Pilates can help you sculpt beautiful abs. But devotees of the ever more popular workout have a secret: It's also a great way to get sleek thighs, a tight tush, and a totally toned lower body. You don't have to squander your savings on expensive studio lessons to reap the benefits.

"You can get the same great leg and glute workout on your own as you would on fancy equipment like the Pilates Reformer by changing moves to a standing position and incorporating tools like weights and stability balls," explains Michele S. Olson, PhD, a professor of exercise science at Auburn University in Montgomery, Alabama. "The added resistance helps target all the muscles of the lower body while strengthening your core and improving your balance." Olson, who created the following workout (that's also her modeling the moves!), recommends working up to two sets of 15 to 18 reps using a 9- to 12-pound body bar or barbell. Do these exercises three times a week for eight weeks and you'll show off enviable legs and an amazing butt to go along with your firmer middle.

The New Get-Fit Rules: Exercise Dos and Don'ts

These tips will give you super-fast results, whether you're a newbie, a regular, or a fanatic.

Tips for Beginners

Whether you've been working out for two weeks or two decades, you're probably making mistakes that prevent you from getting optimal results. Here are some exercise dos and don'ts from top fitness pros.

If You're Just Starting Out


Work out every day. That's right, seven straight. "It's important for beginners to form an exercise habit. Doing something daily, even if it's small, helps with consistency," says Liz Neporent, a New York City-based trainer and coauthor of The Fat-Free Truth. For the best results, don't overwhelm yourself. Neporent recommends aiming for 30 minutes of cardio every day and strength training twice a week for two to three months, or until you feel that exercise has become an ingrained part of your daily routine.


Follow these 10 eating fundamentals to get your muscle-building off to a roaring start.

If we had to give the beginning bodybuilder one piece of advice when it comes to proper nutrition, it would be this: Don’t overthink it. Keep it simple. You can drive yourself insane trying to calculate every nutrient ratio for every meal, every day of the week, with little to show for your efforts. Better to focus on the fundamentals, which is why we’ve boiled your initiation into bodybuilding nutrition down to 10 simple guidelines. Follow these rules habitually to the point that they’re second nature and all other diet minutiae will fall into place. You’ll undoubtedly learn more about nutrition in the coming months and years, but these basics will be more than sufficient in helping you build serious muscle right from the get-go.


Education is one of the most important tools in a gym-goer's repertoire. Learn a little more about training, nutrition, and supplementation from these 10 pros!

Success in fitness hinges on education. Without at least some knowledge about nutrition, training, motivation, and supplementation, your New Year's resolutions for better health in 2014 may are in serious danger.

The Internet is full of videos, articles, and blogs for your fitness edification. Why not use them to your advantage? We have some of the best voices in the industry right here, and they want to help you achieve your goals.


Starting your fitness journey with a little bit of education can go a long way toward your future success. Here are 10 tips that every beginner needs to read!

Getting off the couch and into the gym can be an intimidating process, especially when everyone seems to know a lot more than you do. To be successful in your fitness goals, it's important to start off on the right track. Far too many beginners get started on the wrong foot, develop bad habits, and then struggle to achieve their goals of building muscle and burning fat.

I don't want you to struggle with more challenges than you already have to—many are avoidable! If you can make your first steps positive ones, you'll make excellent progress right away and avoid feeling lost at the start of your fitness journey.

Take the first step with these 10 must-read beginner training tips. Apply them to your burgeoning health and fitness regimen for early success!

martes, 19 de enero de 2016

Head-to-Toe Anti-Aging Guide

The Brain

Starting in your late 20s, your hippocampus, the part of your brain responsible for memory and recall, shrinks an average of 1% a year as memory cells shrivel up and die. The shrinking is reversible and research shows that eating certain foods can actually increase blood flow to the brain and improve mental performance. Exercise your memory cells with mental tasks and eat brain protecting superfoods like nuts, seeds and berries to ensure mental vitality.


You eyes can show the telltale signs of your age. Under-eye bags and dark circles may be the result of an iron deficiency. Add iron-rich foods like spinach, kidney beans and dark chocolate to your diet. Add a nighttime retinol cream to your moisturizing ritual to prevent and treat crow’s feet.

10 Ways to Make Your Eyes Look 10 Years Younger

1. Eat an Iron-Rich Diet

An iron deficiency could be the reason for your under-eye bags and dark circles. Make them go away by incorporating iron-rich foods like spinach, kidney beans and dark chocolate into your diet.

2. Use Eye Primer

When you put makeup directly on to your eyelids it will settle into wrinkles and crevices making them look more prominent. An eye primer will fill in these creases, allowing for smooth, long-lasting application.

4 Ways to Defy Your Age

Reduce the appearance of wrinkles

Make your own age-defying exfoliating face mask with honey, cinnamon and apple cider vinegar to get rid of dead skin, moisturize your face, and tighten skin so it doesn't sag. As you age, you lose collagen in your skin, which creates wrinkles. Exfoliating the skin with this cinnamon paste helps bring in new collagen, leading to fewer wrinkles. The vinegar acts as a toner; keeping skin cells hydrated which prevents wrinkles as well.

Try it: 

Use 1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of honey to make a paste. Apply it to your face and leave on for 30 minutes every night and rinse. Then apply white vinegar toner using one part vinegar to one part water. Dip a cotton ball into the toner solution and rub all over face to help tighten skin.

The Ultimate Anti-Aging Plan

Add Berries to Your Breakfast

The antioxidants found in berries protect against free radicals that cause cells to age and can also work to boost collagen production to make skin look younger. Add half a cup of blueberries, strawberries, blackberries or raspberries to your breakfast. 

Use Wheat Germ Oil

Wheat germ is the highest natural vitamin-E food. Studies have shown it can help protect cell membranes from damage and can reverse aging in your brain, skin and eyes. Add 2 tablespoons of the oil in salad dressing or drizzle it on grains or vegetables, but don’t cook with it; the oil loses its power when heated. 

4 Signs That You’re Aging Too Fast

Red Flag #1: One-Legged Stance Test

The results of a one-legged stance tests may help predict brain health and risk of stroke. Researchers have found that the inability to balance on one leg for longer than 20 seconds may be associated with cerebral small vessel disease, when arteries become less flexible and can interfere with blood flow.

Red Flag #2: Chapped Lips

Waking up in the morning with chapped lips can be a sign of sleep apnea, a condition that puts you in greater risk for heart disease. When you snore and your mouth is open, air passes over your lips continuously, grossly dehydrating your lips.  Research suggests that exercising just 20 minutes a day can ease symptoms greatly.