jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

Home workout - part 2

You don't need fancy equipment to get an all over workout at home

It's often said that home is where the heart is. But for some of us, it's where the heart is best looked after. You don't need a stationary bike or gym membership to improve your heart health and 
overall fitness. Two weeks ago we unveiled the first part of our home workout series, and today you can add part two. Do this workout for a couple of weeks and then mix and match these exercises with the first home workout. You can also do the home workouts in conjunction with the workouts for gym and outdoors that we've featured in previous weeks. For best results, try to do three strength circuit workouts each week.

Home workout - part 1

Who says you need to set foot outside your home to get a good workout?

You are more likely to exercise when you have lots of options, and you will have less room for excuses.

This compact workout is designed to do inside your own home and can be used in different ways.

If you don't have a trainer or a gym membership, and prefer not to train outdoors, then this could be your main workout. If you are a gym-goer or often train at the park, use this program as your plan B. It's perfect for those rainy winter days or when time is limited and your regular routine is not possible.

Have a go at deep water running

Throw yourself in the deep end for a different form of training.

What is deep water running?

Deep-water running involves every major muscle group and is equivalent to cross-country skiing, making it a major kilojoule burner. Depending on your effort and intensity, you can blaze your way through 2500kJ in a solid, hour-long session.

It's called deep-water running for a reason. Shallow water just won't cut it, so head to your nearest Olympic-sized pool for information on class times. You can also practise in the deep end of your own pool, but it's advisable to get some professional tips on correct technique first. People with bad backs find deep water a godsend. Maintain the vertical position of deep-water running: the horizontal orientation of swimming doesn't hold the same benefits for bad backs.

4 things you should do now for a toned summer body

You know what they say: summer bodies are made in winter

There’s no doubting this has been a pretty cold winter already. The mornings have been freezing, as have the nights. It’s so easy to hit the snooze button on our alarms, to eat lots of warm comfort foods and let our training take a back seat to lazing on the lounge under a blanket. The problem with that is before we know it spring is upon us and we’ve stacked on way too much flab to fit into last year’s swimmers. So how do you make sure that doesn’t happen?

Count down to spring

Let’s face it, goals are much easier to nail when we have a deadline. Set yourself up a calendar or space where you can count down the number of days until the first day of spring. If you can actually see the days ticking down, it will spur you on to plan your meals and get your training done.

The best tips for training at home

Winter is fast approaching! That always makes getting up out of your warm bed challenging, especially as it also gets darker and darker each morning. If you still want to get your workout in but don’t want to venture outside into the cold, here’s a few tips for training at home.

Set Your Alarm Out of Reach

This may sound cruel, but it works. Set your alarm on your phone or however you do it, but make sure you actually have to get out of bed to turn it off. Once you’re up, you’re more likely to do your training.

Have Your Kit Sorted

It’s amazing how much difference it can make to your attitude knowing you’d have to scour through your wardrobe and pull out all your training equipment before you even start! Have all your kit ready the night before and you’ll be far more inclined to train and less to go looking for an excuse to sleep in.

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016

Top belly busters for blokes

Have those after-work beers caught up to you? Beat the belly with these top tips.

The human body is programmed to protect its current weight, even if this is an extra-large belly. Here's how to outsmart your primitive biology.

Exercise every day

Exercise is essential for losing your belly. It helps you burn more fat while keeping your muscles intact.

The human body was designed to move, yet we have done our level best to engineer movement out of our lives. Cars, sedentary jobs, technology and the quest for convenience have all made it easier to do very little.

If you want to be active, you usually have to plan to make it happen. Aim for a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (such as brisk walking, cycling or swimming) on five days each week.

Best all-body workout

Fancy a challenge? Try the Spartan 300 workout.

I'm not usually a sensationalist, but today we're showcasing one of the world's best all-body workouts: the Spartan 300. It challenges you every time you attempt it.

What is Spartan training? In its simplest form, Spartan training is 30 reps of 10 exercises, which can be done in any order you like. Your objective is to get through the 300 reps (10 sets of 30) as quickly as you can. So pick one of the exercises pictured, do as many reps as you can and then move on to another.