miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016

Why not try stair running to get fit?

Conquer the stairs Rocky-style to boost power and shred calories

"Take the stairs instead of the lift" is one of those fitness cliches beloved of weight-loss programs, right up there with "get off the bus a few stops earlier". But how many of us actually do it? Well, for the next few weeks, I will. I work on the 11th floor of an office block and, like most of my high-heeled colleagues, rely on the lifts to get me there. But in an effort to upgrade my fitness, I intend to start shunning the lift queues and taking the stairs.

In preparation I contact Australian stair-running champion Suzy Walsham, who has claimed three victories in the annual Empire State Building Run-Up. The 35-year-old Suzy can fly up the 86 floors of the iconic New York landmark in under 13 minutes, so I figure she'll have some tips for tackling my comparatively puny 11 storeys. "Stair running is a fantastic workout because it's very intense but doesn't take a long time," explains Suzy. "Plus you can tailor your workout to your fitness levels."

For a beginner, she suggests running in stages - perhaps five storeys at a time with a rest in between, walking one flight then running the next, or using the handrail to give the leg muscles a rest and incorporate some upper-body work. When you've built up a reasonable fitness level you can take two stairs at a time or run the height of the whole building in one go at a slower pace.

I try my first set before work. The first couple of storeys are pretty easy and I maintain a steady trot. But by floor five I need a rest. I'm shocked at the intensity of the workout. My quads and calves are tingling and I'm seriously out of breath. My heart seems to be beating much faster than it would if I was running on flat ground.

I conquer the next six floors with a combination of walking, running and two steps at a time and finish the whole lot in about three minutes - I'm not going to give Suzy a run for her money any time soon, but I'm reasonably happy. I've done a mid-size workout in record time and haven't had to worry about the weather, getting changed or taking up a whole lunch hour.

My make-up needs a bit of readjustment before I head into the office and I should probably keep some deodorant in a desk drawer from now on, but I can imagine I could tackle the stairs two or three times each day, mixing up the intensity, and lay waste to some serious kilojoules. I'm just grateful I don't work at the Empire State Building.

Expert tip: If you're planning to run multiple sets of a stairway, take the lift back to the bottom each time. Running or walking down stairs can put unnecessar

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