Who says you need to set foot outside your home to get a good workout?
You are more likely to exercise when you have lots of options, and you will have less room for excuses.
This compact workout is designed to do inside your own home and can be used in different ways.
If you don't have a trainer or a gym membership, and prefer not to train outdoors, then this could be your main workout. If you are a gym-goer or often train at the park, use this program as your plan B. It's perfect for those rainy winter days or when time is limited and your regular routine is not possible.
1. Alternating chest press on a swiss ball
Holding dumbbells in both hands, lie with your upper back on a Swiss ball and the rest of your body in a supine bridge position. Extend your right arm up and pull the left arm down and towards your chest, so that the dumbbell is sitting just outside your left shoulder.
Perform alternating one-arm chest presses, pushing the left dumbbell to the ceiling and drawing the right arm down to the outside of your right shoulder. As you do this movement you should try to get a controlled rocking motion in your torso. As you push the right dumbbell to the ceiling, reach high enough so that your back peels off the ball and you end up with the opposite shoulder as the only body part left on the ball, and vice versa on the other side. This is a great whole-body workout.
2. Hamstring curls
Lie with your back on the ground and place your heels on a Swiss ball. Place your arms by your sides, palms facing up. Raise your hips off the ground and roll the ball in towards your backside. The ball will be on your heels at first, but as you roll in, it will end up under the soles of your feet. Keep your hips high for the entire movement. Pause and slowly roll the ball back to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of reps.
3. Bent-over rows on a swiss ball
Place your left hand on a Swiss ball and hold a dumbbell in your right hand. Bend forward at the hips, keeping your back straight. Keep your gaze forward and stick your buttocks out. Hold the dumbbell down towards the ground, then pull it up until it touches the front of your shoulder. You should also slightly twist your torso so that your chest faces out towards the right. Lower with control and repeat for all reps on your right before repeating on your left side.
4. Decline
5. Swiss ball jack knifes
The jack knife is a fantastic exercise to strengthen the core area. Lie with your stomach on a Swiss ball and place your hands on the ground out in front of you. Walk your hands forward and allow the ball to roll down your body towards your legs. Stop when the ball reaches just below your knees. Pause here and make sure your body is completely straight, with your abs braced to counteract a downward sag in your stomach. Now roll the ball, bringing your knees in towards your chest. Pause, and roll the ball back to its starting point. When you feel more confident, start with the ball lower down your shins and then, harder still, try it with your feet on the ball, as pictured.
6. Step-ups
Find a bench, chair or step that is approximately knee height. Plant your left foot on the step. Push down through your left heel and stand up on the step. Without stopping, continue to move the right thigh forward until that knee is at hip height and at a right angle to the ground (in a running style). Balance for a moment before slowly lowering your right foot to the ground, touching down lightly with only your toes, and spring back up for your next rep. Focus on maintaining your posture throughout, and fix your gaze on the horizon in front of you. Do all the reps on one leg, before repeating on the other.
Reps and sets
Workout 1: 10 reps of each exercise (some exercises will be 10 each side) for two sets.
Subsequent workouts: Add one rep to each exercise for each workout until you get to 20 reps, and then move to three sets. Once there, go back to 10 reps and once again increase by one rep a workout. Change workouts at, or before, you get to four sets of 20 reps.
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